Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Interview with Cherry!!

Well I was called by Cherry the other day and was told that Channel 7 as doing an interview with she printed some of her modeling work out which included the shot I did for her... (the one of her layin down on the wht bg with the red petals) Well I just got a chance to look at the video and My shot was the first one featured!!..and its the one u see in the video thumb!..I was so like I just wanted to share guys...

Troops Support!!!

Hello hello my darlings!! Well I just wanted to share some shots from Iraq. Miss Cherry Lane sent her Vday care packages out and the army cupids had fun delivering their vday cards and care packages! Here are some shots below of the troops with the shot I did of Cherry.. I think its soo neat that I can help brighten their day... I would encourage each and every photographer to find a way to help brighten their day.. I am also posting a link to the all american pinups website so that if you wish you can donate to their wonderfully amazing cause! These women are wonderful.Be sure to be looking because we have SEVERAL new shoots coming up with both Cherry and Vivian!...I so cant wait!..
Here is one of her Cupids delivering his messeges of Love and Carepackage goodness!!

All American Pinups

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hello hello darlings!!
Just wanted to let ya know that its only a week until the ball!!!..well really 4 days but whos counting!!.
Besure and get ur tickets now or they go up at the door the day of the event!...Be sure to come by and see me so I an take your portrait in you masquerade finery!!!
Heres the flyer once again guys..Remember click on it to see the bigger image so u can read it easily!!!

Also if you have your portrait taken while there Im only accepting cash...Thank you so much

Friday, February 6, 2009

Come Meet Me At The Masquerade!!!

Click The Image To See The Whole Flyer!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Click the Images below to see the full flyer!!!


Yesterday @ around 7:30pm Jesse and I signed the lease on the house I found a couple of weeks ago!..Its so awesome....
I get to get out of this horrible neighborhood and be in a nice,quiet, safe neighborhood.I will take pics when I get time.But its way bigger than what we have now..Its a
3bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, lg living rm,dining rm,lg kitchen,laundry rm( YAY NO MORE RELYING ON PEOPLE TO GET MY LAUNDRY DONE!!!)garage,BIG backyard that is landscaped.Park behind the house,2 blocks away from dr's and lawyers houses!!...
The dogs will have plenty of room to play..and the cats will have plenty of room in the house to divide and conqure!..haha..I will have an office and a studio room.Jesse has room to do his chainmaille and its just OMG u tell im excited)...We give our move out notice to the landlord here and we will have like 30 days to move which is plenty of time to get both places cleaned and moved in and out of..anywho I just wanted to share the great news..Its so awesome..
On another note Jesse and I will have been together a year on March 13th.Its hard to believe that its been an entire year.Time flies when your happy..So feb and mar are going to be busy months...
Moving this month and next month we have our anniversary amd both of our bdays.LOL..I turn odd to be close to 30.I dont feel close to 30 but its like knockin on my door her soon..haha..ANYWHO..thats all for now.Like I said I'll post pics of the new place as soon as I can!..
Until next time peoples!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

YAY Good news!!

Well its confirmed.Jesse and I are getting a new house!!!
Its a 3bdrm 1 1/2 bath,lg kitchen,dining rm,laundry rm,garage,lg backyard thats landscaped and privacy fenced.Park behind the house...and AWESOME neighborhood!!..
I will have a room all to myself to shoot! more tryin to figure out where to set my stuff up.I will post images as soon as I can!!!...Thats all for now...
Over and out!