Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pinups and updates!

Hello hello my darlings!!!
I know its been a bit since I last updated but ive been crazy busy.Between edits and trips its been a like nuts.
I just wanted to share a couple of shots with ya...and update you on some changes.
Fog Images will be changing their look.I have decided that I am so in love with shooting Pin-up,Hollywood Glamour, & boudoir and so I will be changing things for these specialized areas..
So be looking for the changes!..
Now just because Im specializing in something doesnt mean that I cant still do H.S. Senior ports,maturnity,engagement,or bridal. I will still do those yes but my focus is turning to what I am really enjoying..
So please let me stop blabbing and I give you my latest shots from my All American Pinups work!
Enjoy my darlings!!
Miss Cherry Lane
Miss Vivian Belle

1 comment:

  1. Omg, these are SO CUTE! Is that Ulead particle plug-in bubbles?
